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Searching for a job can be frustrating and sometimes it may feel like you’re throwing your CV into an abyss.

While the only cure for job-seeking malaise is getting a job, we can offer some insights into why you’re not getting call backs.

Common reasons are:

  • Not being qualified for the job. Sending applications to roles for which you are not qualified is not the best use of your time. If you meet most of the criteria and are unsure if applying would be worth it, check with the consultant for that role.
  • Not being eligible for the job. For instance, for some roles you must have the right to work to work in the county where the job is based.
  • Not reading and following the instructions on how to apply. This includes failing to send documents that have been requested and sending lots of supporting documents that have not been requested. Send only what is asked for and nothing else.
  • Badly laid out CVs and CVs that are longer than 2-3 pages. Remember that the person reading your CV may be reading 50 or 100 other applications. Your CV must be concise and easy to read.
  • Copying large chunks of past job descriptions rather than a crisp analysis of achievements in each role.
  • Sending a generic CV and statement without tailoring it to the specific role.
  • Lack of a compelling motivation statement explaining why you want to work for that particular organisation.
  • Statement does not address how you meet the person specification.
  • Spelling mistakes and typos, or sending applications addressed to a completely different organisation and job. Check your application thoroughly.
  • Using an inappropriate photo.
  • Inconsistencies between your CV and LinkedIn profile.
  • Not explaining large gaps in your CV.

Put yourself in the shoes of the employers and think through what the organisation is looking for, explain clearly why you are interested in the specific role/organisation and how you are a good fit for the job by addressing the criteria in the person specification.

Don’t apply for jobs for which you are not remotely qualified. A well-presented application will help you to be shortlisted if you are qualified for the job. It will also depend on who else applies and whether you meet the criteria more closely.